Must be something in the water

Saturday, July 24, 2010

A New Job

It has been quite awhile since I've written in this thing. A lot has changed-it looks like the Gulf might be able to begin healing. Or maybe not. Actually, have you heard about BP being caught with Photoshopped images of its crisis response center? I guess none of this is helping to promote action on climate change which would presumably also mean action on drilling for oil.

The past few weeks have been somewhat interesting at work in that I am progressing beyond spreadsheet review and management to (well alright the information I'm collecting still goes into spreadsheets but...) research into topics like new remediation technologies and policies that are related to the promotion of such technologies. I'm not sure that I'm allowed to divulge any more than that, so I'll leave it there. But one of the benefits (I guess it's a benefit) is that I'll be able to work in a new office on the other side of the bay in Emeryville starting Thursday, and I'll be there usually a day or two each week. Other days I'll be working remotely in our San Francisco office to save time and cost. There is the potential for working part-time remotely in the fall back at MIT to continue the research. What are your opinions on that?

In other news, we're making progress on the Career Fair, and I've been looking into greener printing services. We're going for somewhat greener themes this year than in the past, and really want to help this fair to have a positive impact.

Question of the day: is there a difference between being happy and believing one is happy?


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